Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The O Files

ALL:  HERE IT IS:  The Master Overview at World Net Daily:  "Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?" --

Frank Marshall Davis, Barack Hussein Obama, & Stanley Ann Dunham
See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Marshall_Davis  See especially "Bob Greene -- Sex Rebel"  

Barac Hussein Obama Senior ....  http://theobamafile.com/_family/Senior.htm

Long form Birth Certificate here:

Certificate of Live Birth available here:

Debbie Schlussel on Obama's draft card:

Jack Cashill on Obama's Social Security Number:

Mara Zebest on the Obama birth certificate:

"Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said: Barack Obama’s Good Friends":

Scholarly Letter Shows That Even As a Law Student Obama Was In Way Over His Head http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/08/early-letter-shows-that-even-as-a-law-student-obama-was-in-way-over-his-head/

Obama’s ‘illegal’ Kenyan Auntie wins the right to stay in America

President Obama’s uncle had Social Security ID

Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya:

Bill Ayers: Yeah, I wrote “Dreams from My Father”

Jerome Corsi -- "Obama was born in Kenya":    

Krauthammer on Obama -- "President Zero":

Video:  Several Problems With Obama Birth Certificate --

Forged creation matches Obama's birth certificate

More 'ana ....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Son Volt at Austin City Limits ....

Walking down Main Street
Getting to know the concrete
Looking for a purpose from a neon sign
I would meet you anywhere the western sun meets the air
We'll hit the road, never looking behind
Can you deny, there's nothing greater
Nothing more than the traveling hands of time?
Sainte Genevieve can hold back the water
But saints don't bother with a tear stained eye
Seeing traces of the scars that came before
Hitting the pavement still asking for more
When the hours don't move along,
Worn-out wood and familiar songs
To hear your voice is not enough
It's more than a shame
Can you deny, there's nothing greater
Nothing more than the traveling hands of time?
Sainte Genevieve can hold back the water
But saints don't bother with a tear stained eye
Like the man said, rode hard and put away wet
Throw away the bad news, and put it to rest
If learning is living, and the truth is a state of mind
You'll find it's better at the end of the line.
Can you deny, there's nothing greater
Nothing more than the traveling hands of time?
Sainte Genevieve can hold back the water
But saints don't bother with a tear stained eye  ....